Practicality Must Prevail.

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We are getting to a point in this epidemic where we’re not being practical about it. In life there are risks at everything we do.  When we get on the freeway, we are taking a risk.  When we get our hair colored or permed, we are taking a risk. When we go skiing, we are taking a risk. When we go on an airplane, we are taking a risk.  When we have an elective surgery, we are taking a risk. And so on.

Life has risks.  After 9-11 we didn’t shut down our country for fear of another attack sending everyone home from work and schools.  During the threat of bombs in the 50s, we didn’t shut down our country.  During the AIDs epidemic, we didn’t close restaurants, schools, and businesses.  We were taught to be vigilant after 9-11, practiced air raid drills during the 50’s, and encouraged safe sex after AIDs.

At this point in the shutdown, we are bordering on overkill. Trump is giving his scientists a lot of leeway on advice but some advice has been over the top excessive.  Schools should reopen.  There haven’t been many cases of school age children getting it. There is a higher risk of children getting measles from unvaccinated illegals in school. Non essential businesses and corporations should be allowed to reopen and their employees return that aren’t sick. Put their desks farther apart.  Maybe the older ones stay home a little longer.  Restaurants should reopen with revised seating inside and bar seating temporarily closed or seated six feet apart.  Theatres can reopen with strangers sitting four seats apart on every other row. Common sense solutions. People and companies need to thrive by taking their own precautions not government-ordered.

Restaurants can require masks for their cooks and servers for a while longer. Churches can reopen with required six feet apart seating.  We are not a stupid country but are starting to look stupid.  The longer this goes on the more we are open to attack from an enemy.  Our guard is down now with the military and government focusing 24/7 on the virus.   Let’s be practical about this virus and get our country back to work.  Everyone be responsible for themselves to wash hands and wear a scarf or mask in public.

I notice everyone that dies from pneumonia, heart attack, diabetes, or some other underlying condition is categorized as a covid death without any tests done.  It is the “go to” cause of death that some are using.  One man said his wife died from it, but she had been suffering from an immune deficiency for months prior to covid. He lied about her death. How many hospitals are doing the same?  We don’t know.

I, for one, am tired of being stuck in the house.  I’m doing my own shopping next week with a scarf and plastic gloves and keeping distance from others.  I’ve been home for a month and ain’t taking it much longer.  We have low number of cases in my county, and I will assess my own risk. The one thing good coming out of this crisis is that California can’t make you pay for shopping bags any longer as the cloth bags are unsanitary. No more being bag-shamed by the clerks when they ask, “Do you need a bag?”

Please, no more stimulus packages right now.  Ignore Pelosi.  Let’s spend what we already got.  It’s just another ploy to get the Green New Deal packed into it.

Trump, open up our country!  We’re counting on you!  We can’t live like this much longer. We can’t find toilet paper anywhere!  You’ll take heat from the left, but they’re always wrong anyway.  Notice how Gov. Cuomo let covid patients slip onto the non-covid Red Cross ship?  One slip up would be a mistake but not six.  What are they up to in New York?  I don’t trust them.

The cure can’t be worse than the crisis!

5 thoughts on “Practicality Must Prevail.

  1. I’m tired of being stuck in the house, too. I feel your frustration there. I imagine the reason why we don’t open up schools and theaters is twofold. First, we aren’t sure just yet about the reach of this virus – it affects some children and leaves some adults symptom-free. The jury just isn’t out yet on the science, the root cause, the societal damage, and the cure. Plus, if schools and theaters open, the likelihood of spread increases astronomically, don’t you think? We could use ‘distancing’ measures by putting desks apart, but what about when the bell rings? Students will likely shuffle out in a large congregations. Churches could put us in every other pew. But what about when we go up for Communion? I know it sucks, but it seems like the best measures for the time being are extreme, knowing that we need conclusive science before lifting any restrictions. Hang in there!


    1. Read Douglas Flint’s essay on NWO Report. It’s scary. My desk separation was for office workers but I surely don’t want to see children getting it now too. It affects everyone differently. I just hope we didn’t overreact like Douglas Flint’s essay thinks. Two more weeks tops and it will be all over, hopefully.


    1. Thanks! Was a worthwhile read. I’m not sure there’s a right answer to this entire dilemma. It really comes down to how much value we place on a human life versus economic stability and welfare. I’ll say this much – I am glad I’m not in charge of making these judgment calls right now.


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